Arts & Entertainment

Pick Lavender at Cedar Ridge Trails

July 9, 2024
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Feature image for Pick Lavender at Cedar Ridge Trails

I have wanted to visit a lavender farm for as long as I can remember, but I always assumed we didn’t have any in the U.S. It turns out that not only are there lavender farms in America, but we have a few in Dayton! I visited Cedar Ridge Trails to pick a lavender bouquet recently, and the experience was everything I had hoped it would be.

Lavender at Cedar Ridge Dayton, Ohio

The Farm

Despite the fact that it’s not far from Austin Landing, it’s so peaceful at Cedar Ridge Trails. You really feel like you’re way out in the country. Especially with all of the bees, butterflies, and birds enjoying the farm along with you. Cedar Ridge Trails plants native wildflowers on a bunch of their land so pollinators love it there.

Swing at Cedar Ridge farm

There are places to sit and just take in the relaxing scent and beautiful views of the farm, including a peaceful swing for two.

Me cutting lavender at Cedar Ridge Trails

For someone who normally only visits nature in parks where cutting flowers or plants would be frowned upon, it took a minute to adjust to being encouraged to do so. But it didn’t take long to get to enjoy putting together the perfect lavender bouquet.

The Farm Stand

Farm Stand at Cedar Ridge Dayton

I loved visiting the gift shop, sipping on complimentary lemonade and smelling candles, soaps, and more. I ended up taking home lavender infused sugar, herbs de Provence, lotion, and wax melts. There are so many more items I would love to go back for soon.

Cedar Ridge gift shop

What to Know Before You Go

Cedar Ridge sign

Here are a few notes to help your visit go as smoothly as mine did.

  1. Bring or wear comfy shoes you don’t mind getting muddy – especially if it rained recently. The aisles between the lavender bushes are mowed really well but definitely wear shoes that you’d wear walking around on grass and dirt.
  2. Wear sunscreen – it’s full sun in the lavender fields.
  3. Wear a hat and/or bring a towel for sweat if it’s warm.
  4. They provide scissors for cutting the lavender, so no need to bring anything like that.
  5. Bring a vase if you’d like, but they sell some there as well. You can hang lavender upside down to preserve it instead, too.
  6. They don’t sell any food there, so if you are heading there around lunch time, make sure to pack a sandwich or a snack.
  7. Signing up and paying in advance isn’t required, but it was nice just getting there and not having to worry about that.

Cedar Ridge lavender farm, Dayton Ohio

If you miss out on lavender this year, you can sign up to pick wildflowers instead. They have beautiful flowers in their gardens. And they host lots of events throughout the season, such as yoga sessions and workshops.