It’s pretty fortunate for someone who writes a blog called Girl About Dayton to also have a favorite band that happens to be from Dayton. I’ve written a few articles about GBV over the years and here are all the links in one convenient place.
A Brief History of Robert Pollard’s Rockathon Records
I LOVED getting to write this article. Spending an afternoon learning more about the daily inner workings of a local record label was really interesting and it means a lot that they trusted me to tell their story.
15 Robert Pollard Songs that Describe Exactly How You Feel
I pitched this article to in 2016 and they said yes but then unfortunately it never got published. Too many deep cuts, perhaps.
My Guided By Voices Soundtrack
I thought it might be neat to put together a list of the GBV songs that mean the most to me over the years.
Dayton Hosts the Ultimate Guided by Voices Fan Festival
Heedfest is the annual(ish) Guided by Voices fan festival hosted all over Dayton. I wrote about how Dayton’s awesome music venues and bars played the perfect host for the festivities in 2024.