
Live More Sustainably with Waste-Free Dayton

January 10, 2024
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I had the chance to chat with Natalie Warrick and Brett Bogan, co-directors of Waste-Free Dayton, a non-profit organization that aims to help Dayton waste less and get more out of what we have.

Waste-free Dayton logo

How Waste-Free Dayton got started

Waste-Free Dayton founder, Natalie Warrick, has had a passion for taking care of the Earth for a long time, which led her to find ways to live more sustainably. In the spring of 2020, she decided to create a group on Facebook to help the Dayton community share experiences and tips on green living. This grew into a helpful website full of tips and resources for people looking to reduce their footprint locally.

Brett Bogan was originally an engaged member of the Facebook group but later teamed up with Natalie to help Waste-Free Dayton grow into a non-profit organization. Their goal is to help individuals in Dayton learn to reduce waste and live more sustainably by utilizing local resources. “We want to be an approachable resource anyone can engage with who wants to find out what they can do to reduce waste,” explains Warrick.

Waste-free Dayton volunteers participate in a neighborhood cleanup

Join the growing movement

Waste-Free Dayton regularly holds volunteer opportunities as well as coffee chats and other outreach and educational activities.

Neighborhood litter cleanups are a great chance for volunteers to help communities in Dayton feel a little less cluttered and a little more beautiful. These monthly volunteer events have yielded some impressive results so far. In 2023, they collected almost 27,000 lbs of litter!

WFD hosts monthly coffee chats around Dayton for people to get together to discuss sustainable living and learn from each other. “It’s a chance for people in the community to discuss their wins with sustainability and get tips to keep it going,” explains Bogan.

Check out their event calendar here.

Natalie Warrick and Brett Bogan of Waste-Free Dayton appear on Good Day Dayton

How to start living a little more sustainably

“Look at reducing what you buy, and use what you have,” explains Warrick. “Some of the things you buy can be purchased in bulk, plus you can bring your own bags to the store when you shop for those things.”

They explain that as items run out, see about switching to more sustainable swaps. While this can be pricey, some items are a one-time investment while others can be purchased at second-hand stores. “Try buying cloth napkins at thrift stores – you can get a good collection that way without spending much,” explains Bogan. “In many cases you have that initial investment and then it pays off over time.”

Making these swaps can be a fun challenge. In the example of thrifting cloth napkins, for instance, you could put together what ends up becoming a treasured collection. “Habits can be hard to change – but that’s why we’re here to encourage each other!” explains Warrick.

Who’s doing sustainable notably well? Partial to Pie! They use real coffee mugs, plates, and cutlery, and compost their food waste.

Warrick and Bogan stress that ultimately it’s not about being perfect, it’s about trying to make a change that betters the world in some small way. “People have a growing sense of responsibility these days – they want to help turn this around,” explains Bogan. Warrick adds “you’re not alone, t takes a community – like the one we’re building.”

Visit their website at to learn more about their mission, get a ton of great tips on sustainable living, and find out how to get involved.