Beauty & Shopping

Be Earth-friendly in Dayton

April 17, 2024
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For Earth Month, let’s explore some of the shops and orgs helping to keep us sustainable in Dayton.

Pink Moon Goods

Specializing in well-made investment items, Pink Moon Goods sells household necessities from around the world that need to be replaced way less frequently (if ever).

Read my article about Pink Moon Goods.

Reduce & Reuse Refillery

At Reduce & Reuse Refillery, you can bring your own containers or purchase some refillable ones and stock up on home and personal care items.

Waste-Free Dayton

Waste-Free Dayton is a brilliant resource for the Dayton community to live more sustainably. This year, they partnered with Pink Moon Goods to offer a community compost station. Learn more about it and register to use it here. (It’s free!)

Read my article about Waste-Free Dayton.


Maraluna offers ethically and sustainably sourced gifts and home items that add a lot of character to your home and wardrobe.

Vintage Shopping

Shopping vintage and thrift items is a great way to keep useful things out of landfills while finding unique pieces no one else has. Here are a few great local options:


Clash Dayton

Feral Child

What are some of your favorite local companies helping keep Dayton more sustainable? Let me know.