A version of this article was originally published on Dayton.com April 29, 2016. As of February 2025, A Full Moon Rising is closed in Belmont and will be moving to a new space in the future.
If you’ve stepped outside recently, you’ve probably noticed the birds singing, flowers blooming in the trees and everywhere things growing and waking up after a long winter sleep. It’s easy to see the magic of nature all around us, which makes a trip to Belmont’s metaphysical shop, A Full Moon Rising, all that much more enjoyable. They have everything you need to make some magic for yourself at home.
Where does a witch* in Dayton find items to celebrate holidays like the upcoming Beltane, which falls on May 1?
(For those who may not know, Beltane is a pagan celebration that marks the beginning of summer, characterized by lighting bonfires, decorating homes with May flowers, making May bushes and feasting. According to Wikipedia, it is the “anglicized name for the Gaelic May Day festival,” and is held about halfway between the spring equinox and summer solstice.)
A Full Moon Rising has everything you need in one convenient, local shop in Belmont. The most predominant item is definitely their candles. These candles are handmade by the owner of the shop and come in a variety of sizes, shapes, colors, and scents — 300 varieties in all, however, not all 300 are available at any one time. Short tapers, votives, pillars and other shapes are all for sale at affordable prices.
A Full Moon Rising also has an impressive array of crystals and stones. Fire agate, aquamarine and lapis lazuli are just a few of the beautiful stones available. Speaking of crystals and stones, the shop also carries what must be thousands of handmade necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings.
If you prefer to let someone else read your tarot cards, A Full Moon Rising offers psychic and tarot readings in the shop.
A Full Moon Rising is a small shop with a lot of heart. Most of its fans comment on the kindness of the owner, the carefree nature of the shop and just a general good vibe from shopping here. This is a great place to come with questions, because they are ready to help you find the perfect compliment to your practice.
Want to go?
WHAT: A Full Moon Rising
WHERE: 603 Watervliet Avenue, Dayton
INFO: 937-252-7000 | https://www.facebook.com/AFullMoonRising
*Editor’s Note: We use the term “witch” to describe one who practices Wicca, though in this case it could also mean those who practice Celtic polytheism or Celtic Neopaganism.